Meet the coach

Meet the coach

Chihab Kaab is a speaker, executive coach, and master facilitator, who works with senior executives and high potential leaders to help them create positive and permanent shifts in their leadership impact and organization’s culture.
With a contagious optimism, captivating style, and humoristic approach, he engages audiences and helps them shift their perspectives on how they can contribute to a better culture. Attendees of his sessions leave with new insights and valuable tools to apply immediately.
He works, one on one and in groups, with executives and other leaders to help them re-energize their team members to reach their potential. Chihab serves as a trusted thought partner who challenges leaders to think strategically and check their blind spots for the benefit of the organization’s success. Chihab also facilitates retreats and helps senior teams in their decision-making process using innovative and engaging methods.

Chihab is one-of-a-kind: insightful, credible, and entertaining.
It’s no wonder we keep bringing him back.

Mary Clare Egbets

Former President and CEO-Quite Health Care

Chihab facilitated one of the best strategic retreats. He has
outstanding skills, expertise and is easy to work with

Dr. Khalid Azzam

Assistant Dean – CHSE McMaster University

Chihab’s rigor and insights created a strong foundation for our
planning. He is lots of fun and a joy to work with

Suzanne Johnston

Former President – Niagara Health

Chihab’s session was so memorable. He taught us to choose our
attitude and he very successfully engrained the concept

Ben Hughes

Director – ERCO Worldwide

Chihab has been an essential part of our team and
organization’s growth

Zaid Al-Rawni

CEO – Islamic Relief Canada

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