No matter which topic he addresses, Coach Chihab will keep the audience engaged, inspired, and fascinated by his insights, humor, and practical knowledge.

He is always keen on customizing every session to fit with the need of the attendees and providing them with valuable tools to apply immediately.

Coach Chihab does not like to repeat the same presentation that’s why he spends a lot of time searching and discovering new beneficial learning and unique delivery methods.

Be prepared to be amazed.

Speaking Topics

The 10 Trust Behaviors

In this talk, Coach Chihab, helps leaders understand the key factors influencing workplace trust and how to enhance team growth and creativity.

Participants will identify the concrete and critical 10 behaviors that leaders need to exhibit to develop a trusting environment where individuals are able to bring their best selves without worrying about consequences or how they could be perceived or judged.

Rediscovering the Human Energy

In this fast‐paced and eye‐opening session, coach Chihab takes your team through the critical ingredients for the making of resilient, safe, and energized teams and individuals.

Participants will learn the benefits of honing emotional wellbeing and discover practical ways to develop habits that will strengthen their abilities to deal with challenging situations, conflicts, and balance personal and professional demands.

The audience will be surprised to discover the facts and the myths of habit change and will leave with a concrete personal action plan to help them enhance their resilience quotient.

Habits that Stick

In this talk, Coach Chihab, shares the outcome of his extensive study of the science of habit and recent discoveries in neuroscience.

This session is filled with learning about the surprising power of small habits. Attendees will leave with concrete takeaways on how to build habits that stick and achieve small wins that build up to sustainable major changes.

Feedback that Helps

Everybody talks about feedback being a gift but why nobody likes feedback?

This will all change after attending this talk and learning how to change your perspective and your approach to feedback.

In a humoristic way Coach Chihab highlights the typical pitfalls of giving and taking feedback and provides practical ways to turn this dreadful experience into a beneficial and appreciated one.

Speaking Topics

The 10 Trust Behaviors

In this talk, Coach Chihab, helps leaders understand the key factors influencing workplace trust and how to enhance team growth and creativity.

Participants will identify the concrete and critical 10 behaviors that leaders need to exhibit to develop a trusting environment where individuals are able to bring their best selves without worrying about consequences or how they could be perceived or judged.

Rediscovering the Human Energy

In this fast‐paced and eye‐opening session, coach Chihab takes your team through the critical ingredients for the making of resilient, safe, and energized teams and individuals.

Participants will learn the benefits of honing emotional wellbeing and discover practical ways to develop habits that will strengthen their abilities to deal with challenging situations, conflicts, and balancing personal and professional demands.

The audience will be surprised to discover the facts and the myths of habit change and will leave with a concrete personal action plan to help them enhance their resilience quotient.

Habits that Stick

In this talk, Coach Chihab, shares the outcome of his extensive study of the science of habit and recent discoveries in neuroscience.

This session is filled with learning about the surprising power of small habits. Attendees will leave with concrete takeaways on how to build habits that stick and achieve small wins that build up to sustainable major changes.

Feedback that Helps

Everybody talks about feedback being gift but why nobody likes feedback?

This will all change after attending this talk and learning how to change your perspective and your approach to feedback.

In a humoristic way Coach Chihab highlights the typical pitfalls of giving and taking feedback, and provides practical ways to turn this dreadful experience into a beneficial and appreciated one.

Let's connect

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